Obviously those dumps will not work without those suprx's, and a clean dump means it should be a 1:1 copy of the game, as that's what preservation is all about - no additions, no subtractions. That said, I hope that whoever creates that program also allows for a way for cleaning of Vitamin/Mai dumps.

The first is now known, the second is now out there. It'd just take until a point where the technical know-how of how Henkaku worked was available, there was an SDK, and someone who really cared about it to the point of making a program appeared. I have generally figured we'll go through at least one more dumper program though, and that program would be the one that'd allow for clean 1:1 dumps.

TheFl0w is paying attention more to the hardware now (Adrenaline and the USB connection come to mind, along with of course VitaShell). Hence counting on him or another Molecule technical wiz to do it is silly. Yifan's stance on piracy is pretty clear - doesn't condone it, but doesn't restrict it either (as true a gray hat as I could see). In other words, unless someone is really dedicated to making a clean dumper that doesn't need to inject stuff like Mai or Vitamin in order to run a backup on Henkaku, it'll never get made, 'cause what already works is good enough and lets them play their games, so no one gives a shit. Well, a general rule of thumb among users: "Good enough is good enough." Plus you can't earn trophy's with another person's file. Did I fuck up somewhere? Is randomly deleted save files an issue with that editor? Am I just going to have to start from scratch? Guess I could use someone else's file, though I'd prefer to have my own playtime and a non-maxed compendium though. After I went to save though all my files were gone and anytime I tried to save it said "save failed". After I was done I loaded up the game and it seems everything went smoothly.

I had two save files at the time and I grabbed file 2. I got my save file and did all the editing I wanted.

I copy the molecule eboot into P4's patch directory, but every time I open the game it just goes straight to the game. I followed the instructions from this video but the just don't work. So I wanted to use the editor to at least get all the important Personas that I'd already obtained. I felt like playing the English version, but obviously I can't use my Japanese save. I've played P4G before, though it was the Japanese version.